YouTube to start cracking down on videos with clickbait titles, thumbnails in India

YouTube will start cracking down on clickbait starting from India. They will remove videos whose titles or thumbnails promise not to deliver the video to viewers.

According to YouTube’s blogspot, India will be the first country to experience the rollout, followed by other countries in the coming months, as reported by The Verge.

YouTube said the new policy would deal with “severe” clickbait, particularly on content that focuses on breaking news or current events. For example, “The President resigns!” Announcing video title. When a video does not discuss the president’s resignation, or a thumbnail claiming “top political news” in a video with no news coverage, such videos will be removed by the social media platform.

The company said the policy rollout will ensure creators have time to adjust to the new rules.

Initially, YouTube will remove content that violates the policy without issuing strikes to creators. “And as we continue to educate creators, our enforcement efforts will prioritize new video uploads going forward,” YouTube said.

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