Top 10 Historic Cyber Attacks and impact. (1999 to 2024 Update.)

Historic Cyber Attacks and impact

Threats from the digital world have existed ever since the internet was created. As technology advances, cybercriminals adapt to new methods of committing crimes online and offline among others. These bad actors have grown more clever over time and are capable of targeting anyone – from individuals to companies or even entire countrie’s.

Top 10 Historic Cyber Attacks and impact. (1999 to 2024 Update.)

This piece will explore some of the most significant cyber attacks in history, highlighting their effects and lessons learnt.

1. Marriott Hotel Data Breach (2014 – 2018)

Marriott International experienced a huge data breach where personal details of about 500 million guests were exposed. For several years, hackers got into the system and took names, addresses, passport numbers along with credit card information. The attack revealed the necessity for strong security measures as well as quick identification and response to such incidents.

2. WannaCry Ransomware Attack (2017)

WannaCry was a global ransomware attack that affected millions of computers running Microsoft Windows. Victims were asked to pay ransom in Bitcoin so as to have their files decrypted. Businesses, hospitals and critical infrastructure systems across the world were disrupted by this incident which underlined the importance of regular software updates and backups.

3. Ukraine Power Grid Attack (2015)

In 2015, hackers suspected to be from Russia infiltrated Ukraine’s power grid leading to massive blackouts for thousands of people. Cyber security experts termed it as an eye opener on how vulnerable vital internet-connected networks can be towards different forms of cyber threats and their actual physical effects.

4. Yahoo Data Breaches (2013-2014)

In 2013-14 Yahoo was breached multiple times and in the largest of these, the accounts of at least 500 million users were compromised. Personal data was stolen including names, email addresses and passwords which underscores this need for companies to protect their customers’ information better while also managing passwords more securely .

5. Adobe Cyber Attack (2013)

Credit card information as well as source code were among the user details exposed during an Adobe cyber attack of 2013 which pointed out risks involved when storing sensitive data and importance of encrypting them.

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6. PlayStation Network Attack (2011)

As many as 77 million people had their personal information compromised following a breach on Sony’s PlayStation Network in 2011 whereafter it suffered great financial losses due to lack of adequate security measures for online gaming platforms .

7. Estonia Cyber Attacks (2007)

In 2007 Estonia experienced certain cyber war activities wherein apart from its government sites; banks as well media houses became targeted areas too. These attacks showed how much damage can be done through such kind-of warfare that disrupts critical services within any given country’s infrastructure system.

8. NASA Cyber Attack (1999)

For 21 days a high school student managed to shut down NASA’s computers after hacking into them back in 1999.This made it clear even the most high profile organizations are not immune from cyber attacks thus there is need for constant vigilance coupled with proactive security measures at all times.

9. MOVEit Transfer Attack (2023)

Progress Software’s MOVEit Transfer tool was used as a vulnerability by hackers who gave rise to a huge data breach that affected many organizations. This incident exposed millions of people’s personal details and demonstrated the dangers related with third-party software vulnerabilities.

10. Melissa Virus (1999)

Melissa virus stands as one of the initial widespread email viruses, which caused a lot of disturbances and financial damages. It was distributed rapidly through email attachments, infecting computers and disrupting networks. This event made people understand that viruses can do great harm on a large scale and showed how important it is to learn about cyber security.


The biggest cyber attacks in history are listed as top 10 to remind us that cybercrime is always there. They point out that we should be careful not only individuals but also institutions need strong measures for their safety against such crimes. With the world going digital every day, more strategies will be invented by hackers so there is need of being knowledgeable enough about these changes while adapting ourselves towards this kind environment.

Happy Easter Sunday! What is Easter, Brunch Spots, Where to Find, and More

This weekend is Happy Easter holidays and there is a great excitement in Indianapolis. The reason why this year Easter Sunday falls on March 31st for most Christians is due to the complexities of the Gregorian calendar. For Orthodox Christians, however, its observance comes on May 5 as per their use of Julian calendar.

Happy Easter Sunday

What is Easter?

Easter is a Christian holiday that celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ three days after his death. It signifies religiously, a triumph over death by the Christ bringing hope of life back to believers. Nonetheless, beyond all these religious undertones; Easter has evolved into a cultural celebration with various significant elements like parades and celebrations where children go egg hunting among other related activities.

Easter Brunch in Indianapolis

The city of Indianapolis has numerous exceptional dining spots and easter brunch is not an exception. If you want to have an unforgettable easter brunch experience at one such restaurant that still accept bookings online then could be your answer.

Stores Closed on Easter Sunday

Some stores will be closed on Easter day which means no shopping too! To prevent any regrets check if groceries or other shopping premises will do business on March 31st. will provide you with more information.

Easter Egg-Boiling Tips and More

You can make perfect boiled eggs for your kids by following these seven simple steps available at IndyStar website. Also available are locations for taking lovely photos with Easter bunny together with your pets or children that one can look up at

Where to Find Affordable Easter Baskets

As the upcoming time suggests in terms of pricing trends in chocolate treats and other festive supplies for the occasion some may notice slightly higher prices than during the rest of the year. But it’s not bad news because affordable options still exist when it comes to getting Easter baskets:

  • Pottery Barn: This store offers a wide range of items for Easter such as liners, plush toys and basket stuffers. The prices start at $9.
  • Target: Their stock includes different types of Easter baskets like woven or character-themed ones; you will find the price beginning at $1.
  • Walmart: Another place to buy inexpensive Easter baskets with starting prices from as low as $3!

Fun Facts and Eco-Friendly Tips

In the U.S. alone, over 60 million chocolate bunnies are eaten each year out of more than 90 million manufactured. After all the fun, you can recycle your Easter eggs and grass to minimize garbage. IndyStar has tips on how to responsibly dispose holiday waste.

When is Easter 2024? – Easter Sunday 2024 and date

The upcoming easter Sunday is setting in early this year on March 31st, 2024 for most Christian believers. This change emanates from Gregorian calendar due to its interrelationship with lunar cycles. Nonetheless, despite some shops being closed there are still various activities that can be done such as last-minute brunch reservations, egg hunting event and even taking pictures with bunny. Hence it should be remembered that regardless of the funny day it falls into the hearts of Christians or anyone celebrating this event it stands for changes and happiness always.

When is Easter 2025? – Date Easter Sunday 2025

The upcoming easter Sunday is setting in early this year on Sunday, April 20, 2025 for most Christian believers. This change emanates from Gregorian calendar due to its interrelationship with lunar cycles.

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Why is Easter in March this year?

Dates for Easter differ annually based on a full moon after spring equinox according to the Gregorian calendar.

What is the meaning of Easter?

Christians view this celebration as a time when Jesus Christ rose again from death giving life back to humanity by offering victory over death.

2025 of Looking Ahead into Easter

mark your calendars: it falls on Sunday, April 20th.

“Killers Of The Flower Moon”, Faithful Portrayal Of Osage Reign Of Terror

Tragedy struck the­ Osage Nation in the 1920s. People­ became gree­dy. They wanted the tribe­’s riches. The book “Killers of the­ Flower Moon” tells this true story. A white­ man married an Osage woman. He did it for mone­y. He helped murde­r her family for oil profits. The movie shows the­ relationship betwee­n Mollie Kyle … Read more

Killers of the Flower Moon How Much is truth 2024?

This movie left many viewers in awe. After it was premiered, Google searches for Osage went up 75% and most frequently asked question was whether Killers of Flower Moon is true? This reaction always comes out when history stories become public knowledge through films. Its story with all its evidence has been in The National … Read more

killers of the flower moon movie cast and killers of the flower moon showtimes

Martin Scorsese’s latest movie “Killers of the Flower Moon” has a fascinating array of prominent actors and rising stars. Based on David Grann’s non-fictional book, this film explores the harrowing true story behind Osage Nation murders in Oklahoma during the 1920s when members of Osage tribe were ruthlessly killed after oil was found on their … Read more

Crows Crack the Code, Counting Up to Four, a new study finds

The frequently used adage “bird-brained” may need to be rethought in the light of recent research which has uncovered a remarkable cognitive ability among our avian pals – crows are not only able to count, but can also match their caws with specific numbers, much like a young child learning its numerals.

Crows Crack the Code Counting Up to Four a new study finds

Counting Crows The Baby Steps

This discovery was made by scientists at the University of Tübingen in Germany who were inspired by the way infants learn numbers. If a toddler sees three toys and says “one, one, one”, for example, it seems that these birds could be doing something similar when they make different sounds for different quantities.

Previous studies have shown that animals can count at a basic level – including frogs, chimpanzees and ants among others – but this research points to a more sophisticated understanding of numerals within another species altogether, blurring distinctions between human and non-human thought.

Decoding Crow Counting

They did this by training three carrion crows to use numbers as symbols for caws while responding to both visual and auditory cues during the experiment – such as seeing a certain numeral or hearing a particular drumroll sound before then matching it with their vocalization. So if they were shown “3” this would trigger three calls from them successively. The manner in which these birds responded so accurately planning out what seemed like deliberate mistakes along the way also indicated some parallels with processes seen in humans.

It is worth noting that even their errors were similar to those made by people – sometimes giving too high an answer, hesitating over certain numbers or even making premature responses altogether. Each of these subtle slips thus provided valuable clues about how these animals think thereby establishing a closer kinship between crow and human cognition than had been hitherto suspected.

What does the evidence show about the intelligence of crows?

This new and revolutionary investigation has challenged the old belief that animals are automatic responders. When they encounter objects in their environment, crows think in advanced ways which include planning for future needs and communicating about them using a structured form of language. This might be seen as a prelude to developing speech sounds systems among these creatures, thus calling for more researches.

The experiment also contributes to other studies done before which had indicated how bright these birds could be. They had been found out solving problems, making use of tools such as sticks or wires with hooks on them etcetera even following instructions laid down by an experimenter while carrying out activities within a laboratory setting. Again, this group’s ability to produce different sounds at varied pitches and intensities when singing has always puzzled scientists for years.

A History of Crows Counting

Crows’ cognition of numeral values has been a matter of interest for some time now. It was back in 1968 that Nicholas Thompson first noticed crows apparently regulating the length and number of individual calls made during a given sequence. Furthermore, a study conducted at University of Tübingen five years ago showed how different quantities could be symbolized within their brains.

According to this latest report, however, these birds are able not only to count but also match vocalizations with numerical figures. This goes to prove just how complex these animals’ mental processes can get implying they possess high level thinking capacities similar if not greater than those found in humans.

Future Research on Crow Intelligence

The significance of these findings cannot be overstated. They represent a major breakthrough in our understanding of animal cognition which could ultimately change forever the way we view life on Earth. And while there is still much more that needs to be learned about what makes crows so clever, one thing is certain – this will not be the last time science surprises us with new insights into their amazing abilities.

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Finally, the realization that crows are able to count represents a major achievement within the study of animal cognitive abilities; this fact forces us to re-evaluate what we mean by intelligence in other species and recognize how powerful our bird’s brains can be.

How to use Windows Quick Assist for tech support: Complete Manual for Remote Desktop in 2024

How to use Windows Quick Assist for tech support Complete Manual for Remote Desktop in 2024

Why Quick Assist Works Better Than Remote Desktop for Everyday Help. In this age of digital technology integration, people are bound to experience technical challenges from time to time. Many find themselves playing the role of family and friends’ “tech support” which could be quite demanding. However much one may wish to give in-person help, it is not always practical. This is where Windows Quick Assist becomes very important.

With Quick Assist, you can remotely connect to another Windows PC, see what is happening on their screen and even take control to walk them through fixes. It is designed for simplicity and ease of use unlike Remote Desktop Connection which is more powerful hence most suitable for everyday tech support.

Why Quick Assist and not Remote Desktop?

  1. Quick Assist is easier to use than Remote Desktop because it has a simple interface that requires no specialized knowledge in computer skills for operating them efficiently while Remote Desktop needs some level of configuration which might be difficult to some people.
  2. Quick Assist is more secure than Remote Desktop since it uses time-limited security code for connection establishment which cannot be compared with Remote Desktop security measures having complex nature.
  3. Quick Assist enhances collaboration compared to Remote Desktop because it has facilities like chat, annotation and laser pointer that can help make communication between the person giving assistance and the one being helped clear and easy.
  1. Ease Access: Windows 10 11 come with in-built Quick Assist which means you do not need to download additional software.
  2. Targeted Help: While Remote Desktop gives complete control over a PC, Quick Assist provides select help thus making it perfect for directing an individual on certain tasks or even troubleshooting.

Requirements and Preparation

Before you start using Quick Assist, ensure that you have met the following requirements:

  1. Operating System- Both parties should be using either Windows 10 or 11. If either of the parties is using an older version, they may consider using Remote Desktop or any other third-party remote support software.
  2. Microsoft Account- For one to provide assistance, he/she must have a Microsoft account which could be Outlook/Hotmail personal account or Microsoft 365 account.
  3. Internet Connection- A stable internet connection is required for effective communication during remoting in someone using this feature.
  4. Communication Channel – It is important to set up a different communication channel like a phone call or voice chat for real-time talks while assisting each other through Quick Assist session; this will help clarify information flow between the two points as well as swift resolution incase there are any connection related problems.

Master the­ Art of Remote Assistance with Quick Assist

Quick start the­ Session

Let’s begin with your role­ as the Helper. Effortle­ssly locate Quick Assist by searching in the Start me­nu, then click “Assist another person.” A unique­ security code will appear – share­ this with the person you’re assisting.

How to use Windows Quick Assist for tech support: Complete Manual for Remote Desktop in 2024

Now, it’s the­ Recipient’s turn.

Open Quick Assist, e­nter the code provide­d by the Helper in the­ “Code from assistant” field, and click “Submit.” Seamle­ss collaboration awaits!

How to use Windows Quick Assist for tech support: Complete Manual for Remote Desktop in 2024

Establish the Connection

The Re­cipient will now see a prompt to “Share­ screen.” Grant access by clicking “Allow.” Instantly, the­ Helper’s scree­n will mirror the Recipient’s de­sktop, enabling remote assistance­.

How to use Windows Quick Assist for tech support: Complete Manual for Remote Desktop in 2024

Collaborate with Ease

Unlock powerful tools for se­amless interaction. Click the “Chat” button to ope­n a real-time text communication window, foste­ring clear understanding. Utilize the­ laser pointer to draw the Re­cipient’s attention to specific are­as, and leverage the­ annotation tool to write or draw on the scree­n, enhancing clarity.

With Quick Assist, remote support has ne­ver been more­ intuitive. Experience­ the convenience­ of real-time collaboration, regardle­ss of physical distance. Whether guiding a colle­ague, assisting a family member, or trouble­shooting for a client, Quick Assist empowers you to re­solve issues effortle­ssly, making remote assistance a bre­eze.

  1. Click the “Chat” button to start a live­ text chat. This lets you exchange­ messages instantly.
  2. Use the­ laser pointer tool (click the icon on the­ toolbar) to point out specific parts of the scree­n. It helps direct the othe­r person’s attention.
  3. The annotation fe­ature allows you to draw or write directly on the­ screen. This is handy for highlighting important areas or adding e­xtra notes.
  4. If neede­d, the helper can take­ control of the other computer by clicking “Re­quest control.” The recipie­nt must click “Allow” to give permission. Once allowe­d, the helper can use­ the mouse and keyboard on the­ remote PC. Either pe­rson can stop control at any time.
  5. If neede­d, the helper can take­ control of the other computer by clicking “Re­quest control.”
  6. The recipie­nt must click “Allow” to give permission.
  7. Once allowe­d, the helper can use­ the mouse and keyboard on the­ remote PC.
  8. Either pe­rson can stop control at any time.
How to use Windows Quick Assist for tech support: Complete Manual for Remote Desktop in 2024
How to use Windows Quick Assist for tech support: Complete Manual for Remote Desktop in 2024
How to use Windows Quick Assist for tech support: Complete Manual for Remote Desktop in 2024
How to use Windows Quick Assist for tech support: Complete Manual for Remote Desktop in 2024
How to use Windows Quick Assist for tech support: Complete Manual for Remote Desktop in 2024
How to use Windows Quick Assist for tech support: Complete Manual for Remote Desktop in 2024
How to use Windows Quick Assist for tech support: Complete Manual for Remote Desktop in 2024

Advanced Tips and Troubleshooting

  1. Adjust the­ size of the remote­ screen using the “Actual size­” or “Fit to screen” buttons. This ensure­s you can view everything cle­arly.
  2. Click “Pause” to temporarily stop the se­ssion if needed, and “Re­sume” to start it again.
  3. If a computer restart is ne­cessary, use “Restart & re­connect.” This will automatically reconnect the­ session after the re­start completes.

Troubleshooting Conne­ction Issues

  1. Make sure both compute­rs allow Quick Assist through their firewall settings. This pe­rmits the program to connect successfully.
  2. Network: Check that both computers are connected to the same network or have a stable internet connection.
  3. Security Code: Double-check the security code for accuracy.

Real-World Scenarios: Quick Assist in Action

  1. Tech Support for Seniors: Assisting elderly relatives with navigating new software or troubleshooting common issues.
  2. Remote Work Collaboration: Collaborating with colleagues on documents or presentations in real-time.
  3. Education and Training: Guiding students through online learning platforms or software tutorials.
  4. Technical Support for Businesses: Providing remote assistance to clients or employees with technical problems.

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The Future of Quick Assist

As Windows continues to evolve, so too will Quick Assist. We can expect to see enhanced features, improved security, and even greater integration with other Microsoft products and services. Quick Assist is poised to become an even more indispensable tool in the arsenal of both casual users and IT professionals.

In Conclusion

Windows Quick Assist is a versatile and user-friendly tool that empowers you to provide (or receive) remote technical support effortlessly. By understanding its features, mastering its usage, and following the tips and troubleshooting advice in this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate the digital world with confidence and lend a helping hand to those in need.

Let me know if you’d like any further refinements or expansions on specific aspects of this guide!

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