The Taliban’s new law erases women, justifying violence against them

The Taliban’s war on women’s rights is intensifying

Since returning to power three years ago, the Taliban have been enforcing repressive laws that violate people’s freedoms and human rights, particularly those of women and girls.

But the recently passed “Utility and Virtue” law goes even further. It is one of the most repressive and discriminatory measures implemented by Islamist radical groups.

As a human rights activist in Afghanistan, and as a scholar working in Afghanistan since 2002, we have been documenting Taliban attacks against women for decades.


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The new law seeks to completely silence women in public. They are forbidden to speak, sing or pray aloud. The law attempts to literally erase them, ordering women to cover every part of their body and face in public.

This order suppressed most of women’s political, civil and human rights guaranteed under international law. And if women resist, it orders the use of violence to suppress them.

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