Shark Tank India Season 4 is set to Premiering in January 2025And, even before its release, ‘Shark’ is busy with publicity. During a recent interaction, Anupam Mittal and Vinita Singh shed light on some of the weaknesses of the show, particularly the founders backing out of deals made on the show to get some promotional air time, and how the deals made on the show differ from those negotiated. In the real world.
In a conversation with Humans of Bombay, Anupam Mittal discussed how a significant percentage of final deals on the show go unfulfilled due to founders reneging on their commitments or trying to restructure the deal. He said, “A good percentage of companies don’t get funded and because of that 90% of founders withdraw or they want to change the structure of the deal. This is a big no-no for me. This is to set a bad example. They think they will accept anything on the show but they can renegotiate later. That’s the problem.”
Vinita Singh further explained that while deals on Shark Tank may not always be founder-friendly, entrepreneurs should consider the unique advantage of securing an investor within an hour – the process typically takes 6-7 weeks to conduct due diligence with angel investors before finalizing the process. Agreement.
She said, “To get a check from an angel investor, it’s a lot of meetings, probably 4-6 weeks in most cases. That 4-6 weeks is condensed into an hour on Shark Tank. We’re also working on a very tight timeline. In addition to the risk we carry, We compensate. In Shark Tank the deal may not be as favorable as they go out because we are compensating for the time crunch. That’s why founders have to honor that deal because the decision was made within an hour when the person takes 6 weeks That can never happen.
Anupam also highlighted a recurring issue where some founders approach shows with the intention of securing airtime instead of actually pursuing deals. “This has happened in the tank when one founder asks another founder to take a deal and figure things out later. It shows a lack of integrity,” he said. Vinita added, “The irony is that when you are offered a deal, whether you accept it or not, it goes on air. Chances are, they don’t need to accept an offer they have no intention of following through on.
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