Mold Hardwood Floor Water Damage – 5 Signs of Water Damage on Wood Floors – Don’t Allow Your Home’s Heart to Become Decrepit!

Mold Hardwood Floor Water Damage
Mold Hardwood Floor Water Damage

Mold Hardwood Floor Water Damage – 5 Signs of Water Damage on Wood Floors. No way! Is your beautiful hardwood floor somehow looking a little… off? Water damage is a homewreaking calamity and it remains well concealed. But do not panic just yet. Let’s seek out the 5 greatest red flags 🚩 that your beloved floorboards may be screaming for help!

Warped Floorboards, Dreaded Rollercoaster

Uh-oh, is your floor suddenly feeling like a bumpy ride? Warped floorboards – lifted, curled or simply squashed – are a huge indicator of distress. Well, all that wood when dryer will definitely bend towards this logo. So if you add water, let us say that… well yeah. 😖

Stains & Discoloration: The Unwanted Makeover

Is there the presence of much hated dark patches, spots, splotches or are you floors fading ways a little too much? Yikes! 😨 Well, guess what! The water comes with bad news or nasty minerals that wear down the hardwood. It’s like unwanted tattoo for your floor.

Mold & Mildew: Stay Away From My Territory

Musty smells? Damp air? Those fuzzy patches? 😱. Mold and mildew are always down for a damp party, and a water damaged floor definitely makes for a good time. Not only is it visually unpleasant, but it is also unsanitary.

Soft Floorboards: The Sponge Bob Effect

It is time to panic if your floor feels like it could collapse beneath you. For wooden things that have decayed, it is very fragile and devoid of strength of any kind. It is like trying to walk over a sponge. It can’t be comfortable for someone to walk on it.

Swelling, Cupping & Buckling: Flood Reppression

It has much too much moisture, rather like a porcupine fish under water, therefore the wood expands like any other piece of wood. However this strong “swelling pressure” moves toward fasteners or the edge, and this flattening style begins to be. Your floor is raising a coup!

Also Read – Best Hardwood Floors for Cats and Dogs 2024

Don’t Let The Water Damage Fight Win! Call Restorerz Today.

Mold Hardwood Floor Water Damage, Oh we know this. Water damage is catastrophic. But do not surrender hope! The experts need to be contacted. Restorerz will be that expert (and your floors too) We will evaluate destruction, suggest ideas and put things in your home within courtesy.

Always remember the water damages must be fought at the soonest that is possible. Therefore do not hesitate to contact us when needed! Give us a ring at (323) 997-4978 where a free consultation awaits. Water damage let’s push it out together shall we?