Delhi News Live Update: The IMD said a thin layer of fog covered parts of Delhi as the temperature dipped to 7 degrees Celsius on Sunday morning. Air quality remained in the “poor” category in some parts of the capital, with Mundaka recording 322 AQI in the “very poor” category, followed by Anand Vihar at 294, RK Puram at 259, ITO at 264, and Lodhi Road at 144. In the “moderate” category.
As per the revised norms implemented by the Commission for Air Quality Management (CAQM), inter-state buses are prohibited from entering the capital and schools must mandatorily opt for hybrid classes.
Two months ahead of the assembly elections, the list of BJP candidates is still awaited. AAP has announced names for 31 out of 80 seats and Congress for 21. Sources said the saffron party is planning to reorganize the state unit, and Union Home Minister Amit Shah has taken over election matters.
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