The Delhi government has announced plans to set up Artificial Intelligence (AI) labs in selected schools under its jurisdiction to promote advanced technical education and innovation among students. While many teachers and principals welcomed the ambitious plan, they expressed concern about existing constraints on infrastructure and resources.
In a recent notification, the Directorate of Education (DoE) has invited “eligible and interested agencies to submit proposals and demonstrate their AI lab setup and capabilities”. These proposals are expected to expand laboratory facilities, infrastructure requirements, training modules, and implementation strategies. The aim, the DoE said, is to provide a better understanding of how such laboratories can transform education.
Ranbir, principal of Sarvodaya Bal Vidyalaya, Mangolpuri, said, “It will be a great opportunity for many students to progress in the technical field and develop their careers. It also benefits young teachers who are eager to learn and train new skills.”
But he highlighted key challenges. “Due to limited resources, students may not be able to practice what they learn at home; Many come from humble backgrounds. It would be great if the government could help.”
He pointed to the pressing need to address overcrowding and inadequate facilities in schools: “We have 2,250 students, including those in open school programs. Due to the lack of some classrooms, it is conducted in the laboratory. With the help of the government, we hope to overcome these obstacles. “
A government school teacher in the beautiful city of northeast Delhi stressed the importance of teacher training for the success of the initiative. “It is very practical if the existing teachers are trained by creating posts for special teachers. Currently, our professional and computer labs are combined, which limits resources. “
The teacher also stressed the importance of continuity: “For this initiative to be successful, there must be pathways for students to continue learning these skills in higher education and to obtain appropriate qualifications in college.”
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