Three days after searches were conducted at premises belonging to 43 taxpayers selling and leasing wedding dresses, including designer wear, suits, and accessories, the Gujarat state GST department on Saturday said it has found prima facie evidence of tax evasion. At least Rs 6.70 crore. The statement came in the middle of the wedding season.
The SGST department’s statement underlined that irregularities such as unaccounted sales and under-reporting of tax liability were observed during investigative drives in nine districts: Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Surat, Rajkot, Navsari, Mehsana, Anand, Kheda and Amreli.
The authorities detected a total tax evasion of around Rs 6.70 crore and a total liability of around Rs 8.50 crore. It is mentioned in the statement that this amount may increase as the investigation progresses. The State Revenue Department is taking all measures of legal action to protect and recover government revenue. Further investigation is ongoing.
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