Vadodara Lok Sabha MP Hemang Joshi has written to Union Road Transport and Highways Minister Nitin Gadkari, seeking a revision in toll tax hike between Vadodara and Bharuch which has added to the cost of travel between the two cities. Joshi also pointed out that vehicles passing the toll tax more than twice a day are charged an ‘extra fee’.
Stating that the increase in toll tax has caused “financial stress” to commuters, Joshi’s letter stressed, “From November 25, 2024, there has been a sudden and heavy increase in the toll tax on the Vadodara-Bharuch route, including the return fare. From Rs 155 to Rs 230. It is 50 The sharp increase in the percentage is not only unexpected but also a burden on the daily commuters, especially the lakhs of people who commute between Vadodara and Bharuch in their personal vehicles… Additionally, if a vehicle passes through the same toll plaza more than twice within 24 hours, an additional amount will now be charged, which was not the practice earlier…”
Joshi has also asked Gadkari to “review and revise the hike” as well as remove additional charges and bring transparency in toll revisions. He emphasized that the roads are occupied by professionals commuting to and from work on a daily basis and said the issue must be addressed “urgently” to make “transportation affordable and accessible to all citizens”.
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