The Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) has suspended work at construction sites across the city in a crackdown on dust pollution. The corporation had issued notices to 158 construction sites, out of which 91 were ordered to stop work, for not implementing dust reduction measures such as building walls around the construction sites, covering them with green cloth, and sprinkling water. Notifications have been issued in six construction department zones of the city.
According to the 24-hour average data uploaded by the Central Pollution Control Board at 4 p.m Pune Air Quality Index (AQI) Deteriorated and fell under the moderate category 106-69 on December 9-13, triggering the PMC to take drastic measures.
Pune’s AQI on December 7 and 8 was 88 and 83 respectively. These levels fall under the satisfactory category.
Dust produced during construction contributes a significant percentage to airborne particulate matter. According to a 2021 report by the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board, about 11.5 percent of PM10 and PM25 pollution in Pune is construction dust.
Sridhar Yeolekar, Superintendent Engineer, PMC Building Department, told The Indian Express that the stop-work notice was issued after the engineers conducted a survey. “Those who have not received notice of stoppage of work at other sites have been asked to inform the department about the site,” he added.
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