Actor couple Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Abhishek Bachchan have worked together in many films including Dhoom 2, Raavan, Kuch Na Kaho. In an interview with Friday Talkies, ‘Kuch Naa Kaho’ director Rohan Sippy recalled his approach to the film and spoke about the love and respect he has in his heart for Aishwarya. He also mentioned that Abhishek was brand new, and he was already a superstar by the time they started filming.
During a candid conversation, Rohan said, “Sharanagati was just released and the next one is bus itna sa khwab hai. He was very fresh then. I had a good casual relationship with him. On the other hand, (we had) a superstar like Aishwarya.
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He added that till date there is no one like Aishwarya Rai Bachchan – “At the craft level, there are very few artists like her. Especially now, there hasn’t been much of a package of heroines in Hindi films since Aishwarya. The generation after her hasn’t.
Rohan recalled how the Taal actor inspired him in the early years of his career. “Aishwarya was a complete package, just brilliant. I learned a lot from her. Everything, her dancing and looks are on another level. Even as an actor, she is amazing. For me, it gave me a lot of confidence that she listened to me. She was very experienced. I know it would be easy for her to tell you how. But, these things help you when you are just starting out. ” he said.
Apart from Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Kuch Naa Kaho also starred Arbaaz Khan and Tannaz Irani. Meanwhile, on the work front, Abhishek was last seen in Shoojit Sarkar’s I Want To Talk and Aishwarya was last seen in Tamil film Ponniyin Selvan: 2, directed by Mani Ratnam.
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