The Kapoor family celebrated legendary hero Raj Kapoor’s 100th birth anniversary with grandeur. After the family went to Delhi to invite Prime Minister Narendra Modi to attend the ceremony, they marked the occasion with a special event in Mumbai on Friday. Many videos and pictures of the program are being shared a lot on social media. From Rekha blessing Amitabh Bachchan’s grandson Agastya Nanda to Saif Ali Khan admiring Tiger Shroff’s biceps, the star-studded celebration witnessed many heartwarming moments.
Every member of the Kapoor family wore ethnic attire for the event. In a video shared on a paparazzi page on Instagram, Alia can be seen directing guests towards the screening of Raj Kapoor’s iconic film Awara. She said, ‘Which movie is starting? Stray! Who wants to go see Awara? Please go.”
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Here is the video:
In two separate clips from the event, veteran star Rekha was seen hugging Ranbir Kapoor and Amitabh Bachchan’s grandson Agastya Nanda and talking with a wide smile. She shared a heartwarming moment with Agastya, as she held his face and started praising him, after which he bowed before her with folded hands.
Watch the videos:
Saif was surprised to see Tiger Shroff’s muscular physique. The actor was stroking Tiger’s biceps and praising him with a smile. Tiger met both Saif and his wife actress Kareena Kapoor Khan with a warm hug and chatted for a while.
Here is the video:
The occasion saw many other special moments, such as Karthik Aaryan having an in-depth conversation with filmmaker Ayan Mukerji. Meanwhile, Aditya Roy Kapur meets Kareena and Saif as they arrive at the gala event.
As part of Raj Kapoor’s centenary celebrations, RK Films, Film Heritage Foundation, and NFDC-National Film Archive of India have joined hands to present Raj Kapoor 100 – celebrating the centenary of the greatest showman. The festival will see the screening of 10 iconic Raj Kapoor films across 40 cities and 135 cinemas, including PVR-Inox and Cinepolis theatres. The ticket price is 100 rupees.
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