On Monday, Lenovo, at the TechDay 2024 event held in Bengaluru, unveiled the AMD ThinkPad T14s Gen 6, powered by AMD Ryzen AI 7 Pro 360 processor in India, which is also the first Lenovo ThinkPad based on x86 architecture. Generation AI capabilities. This laptop packs a dedicated Neural Processing Unit (NPU) with AI processing power of up to 50 TOPS, setting new standards for intelligent computing in the enterprise space.
The laptop is available for purchase and is priced at Rs 1,38,000, with 32GB RAM and 256GB internal storage.
Based on the AMD Ryzen AI 7 Pro 360 processor, it enables advanced data analysis and real-time machine learning. Coupled with an integrated AMD Radeon 880M GPU that delivers exceptional graphics performance, it is ideal for demanding tasks such as content creation and graphic design.
Ashish Sikka, Director and Category Head, Lenovo India said, “Equipped with AMD Ryzen AI 7 Pro 360 processor, the ThinkPad T14s Gen 6 supports all the needs of enterprises – be it creating complex designs, protecting sensitive data or handling intensive. workload. With state-of-the-art security features, along with our focus on sustainability through post-consumer recycled materials, this device provides businesses with a powerful, secure, and provides an environmentally-conscious solution.”
This laptop isn’t just about raw power; It is about intellectual experiences. The integrated NPU and GPU work together to enhance AI-powered insights, personalize user experiences and proactively detect threats. It also ships with Windows 11 OS with support for Copilot+ AI features.
Other key features of the ThinkPad T14s Gen 6 include a 14-inch WUXGA display with up to 400 nits of brightness, up to 17 hours of battery life, and packaging made using 90% post-consumer recycled materials.