the actor Shabana Azmi Celebrating 40 years of marriage with her writer and lyricist husband, Javed Akhtar. The two tied the knot in 1984 under difficult circumstances, as he was already married. On this special day, Shabana shared a sweet picture with her husband on social media. When the couple got a lot of love, Farah Khan made an interesting comment. Farah congratulated Shabana and Javed and pointed out that it was also her 20th wedding anniversary.
Also Read: Javed Akhtar Says He ‘Hardly Married’ Shabana Azmi, Declares, ‘Shaadi-Wadi Bekar Kam Hai, We Are Friends First’
Sharing a sweet picture with Javed Akhtar on Instagram, Shabana wrote, ‘We have been married for 40 years today and he makes me laugh. Many fans congratulated the couple and left heart emojis. Farah Khan commented, ‘Happy Anniversary! Now Happy 20 years to me and Shirish too. Another fan wrote, ‘Happy Anniversary. To many more years of friendship and love.” A third fan commented, “Congratulations!! It’s a blessing that he can still make you laugh. It’s rare!”
Actor Ronit Roy also said, “Congratulations! The joy in a photo is priceless. I love…”
In an interview with Barkha Dutt, Javed Akhtar talked about how his relationship with Shabana has evolved over the years and said, “Actually, our marriage has hardly happened. we are friends My only qualification for a good marriage is this: Are you friends or not? Marriage is useless (The concept of marriage is nonsense). It is a centuries-old tradition, it is a stone that has been carved out of mountains over centuries. And while going down the hill, it has collected a lot of moss, a lot of dirt and mud. The words ‘wife’ and ‘husband’ have taken on many different meanings. Just forget about it. How can two people, regardless of their gender, live together? It requires mutual respect, it requires mutual consideration, it requires giving each other space.
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