According to the latest forecast of the India Meteorological Department (IMD), the temperature in Delhi is expected to drop to 3 degrees Celsius this week. Also, the cold wave is expected to strengthen its grip over the northern belt of the country including Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab and Haryana by December 14.
The minimum temperature in Delhi on Monday was around 8 degrees Celsius, but the wintry chill is expected to intensify over the next two days due to early onset of snowfall in northern states and isolated spells of rain over the national capital and borders. – Partnership States.
The IMD has predicted light to moderate rainfall over parts of Delhi NCR on Monday due to the influence of western disturbance. The Meteorological Department has forecast dense fog in the capital on December 9 and 10, which is expected to hamper visibility and affect traffic.
“Under the influence of Western Disturbance, light to moderate rain and snowfall is likely over Western Himalayas from December 9 to 11 and light isolated rain is likely over Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh, Uttar Pradesh on Sunday. There is a possibility of light rain or thunderstorm in Delhi on Sunday as well. There may be some fog during the night as well,” the IMD said in its forecast.
Hisar in Haryana recorded a minimum temperature of 4.7 degrees Celsius on December 8, making it the coldest city in the region so far.
Meanwhile, rains in Delhi last night improved the city’s Air Quality Index (AQI), putting it in the ‘poor’ category with a reading of 273. Earlier, Delhi’s AQI remained in the ‘very poor’ category for the day.
As per the 24-hour average recorded at 3 am on December 9, most of Delhi’s 38 monitoring stations observed AQI in the ‘poor’ category, while four areas showed AQI in the ‘very poor’ category.