The Delhi Police on Saturday arrested a man from Rajasthan who duped a 19-year-old girl of Rs 58,500 by pretending to be a Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) officer. Accused Yusuf Khan has been placed under “digital arrest” in connection with a fake money laundering case, the police said.
Ravi Kumar Singh, Deputy Commissioner of Police (Southeast Delhi), said a woman from East of Kailash reported a case of “digital arrest” in October.
“The complainant said that she received an initial call from a person claiming to be from the State Bank of India (SBI) head office, who informed her about a credit card issued in her name by the bank’s Sultan Bazar branch in Hyderabad. Thereafter, she was contacted by another person, who allegedly impersonated a CBI officer,” said DCP Singh.
The victim further said that the fraudster claimed that the SBI card issued in her name was being used in a money laundering case and put her under “digital arrest”. Under pressure, the victim transferred Rs 58,500 to the fraudster’s account in two transactions, the police said.
After coming to know about the fraud, the victim registered a complaint at the South East Cyber Police Station. Accordingly, an investigation team headed by Aishwarya Sharma (Additional DCP) and Inspector Rajkumar Singh (SHO, Cyber Police Station) and Dilip Singh (ACP, Operations) was formed under the overall supervision of DCP.
During the investigation, the team found the amount in Yusuf Khan’s bank account at RMGB Bank in Nagaur district of Rajasthan. Further analysis of accounts and mobile phone records led to a raid at Khan’s home in Degana, where authorities recovered the phone used in the crime, along with a bank passbook and a checkbook linked to fraudulent transactions, police said.
“During questioning, Khan admitted that the stolen money was deposited in his bank account, from where he used to withdraw money and send it to accomplice Surendra in return for commission,” said DCP Singh.
Police are continuing their investigation to find other members of the syndicate.