BJP’s Panchmahal district unit SC Morcha President Ashok Makwana was arrested on Thursday for firing two rounds from a rifle while dancing at his nephew’s wedding.
A case was registered against Makwana after the video of the allegations that took place on Wednesday was widely shared. At the Kalol police station, where the case has been registered, officials said the incident took place on Katol Boru road in Kalol taluk where a wedding procession was going.
In the video of the incident that went viral, Makwana is seen singing a song while raising a rifle in the air. In a few seconds of video, he is seen firing two rounds in the air and returning to complete the dance step.
An official from Kalol police station said the accused said the rifle belonged to his son-in-law. “The accused told us that the rifle belonged to his son-in-law Angel Parmar and that he had summoned the rifle to fire celebratory fire at his nephew’s wedding procession. We are investigating whether the rifle is a licensed firearm owned by another person. However, Makwana did not have permission to use the same… Along with the rifle, we have recovered 147 cartridges,’ said the officer.
Makwana has been charged under the Arms Act.
This is the second incident of shooting at a wedding procession in Kalol within a week.
Jitendra Panchal, a resident of Dahod district, was arrested by the Kalol police station on Wednesday after firing two rounds from his own pistol in the air during the midnight wedding procession of the nephew of the former chairman of Kalol municipality, Gopal Panchal.
Kalol police station officials arrested Jitendra Panchal after identifying him through video. It is said that he fired two rounds in the middle of the crowd procession that came out from the market area of the city.