Brain stroke has increased from 5% to 10-15% in the 30-40 age group: Indian Stroke Association Ahmedabad news

Indian Stroke Association (ISA) secretary Dr Arvind Sharma said on Saturday that there has been an alarming increase in the incidence of stroke in the age group of 30 to 40 years.

Dr Sharma, who is also Head of Neurology at Zydus Hospital, Ahmedabad, was speaking at the launch of the Ahmedabad chapter of the nationally launched ‘Mission Brain Attack’ in Varanasi on May 12. This is an initiative designed to increase stroke awareness. India. The campaign titled ‘Each One Teach One’ addresses the increasing incidence of stroke across India and highlights the essential need for specialized training and resources to enhance stroke care across the country.

“While strokes have traditionally been more common in people in their 50s, we are now seeing an alarming increase in people in their 30s and 40s. Earlier, only 5% of strokes occurred in this age group, but it has increased to 10-15%. What is alarming is that even young people in the age group of 20 to 30 years are now experiencing strokes,” said Dr Sharma. “Mission Brain Attack” aims to raise awareness of end-to-end stroke care and address primary prevention and acute management, ISA said in a statement on Saturday. The mission will strive to increase awareness about stroke among the public and physicians while focusing on acute care, long-term management, and rehabilitation support for better patient outcomes.

Sharma added, “Every minute three people experience a brain stroke in India. However, only about 4,000 to 5,000 neurologists are available across the country to treat these patients within the critical ‘golden window’. To address this, ISA has launched an initiative to educate both practitioners and the general public about preventive measures and appropriate actions at this critical time. “

“Symptoms of a stroke are BEFAST – B is balance problems or difficulty walking; E is eye problems – vision loss or double vision. F is facial asymmetry and facial drooping. A is arm or leg dropping when you ask to get up and S to speak, Difficulty speaking or understanding. Slogan, BEFAST, so time counts, and every second counts. Treat the patient as soon as possible to prevent stroke Taking him to a hospital near Nafali, ruling out bleeding and other conditions, giving thrombolysis therapy, admitting the patient to ICU, this is the work of humanity, noted neurologist and Padma Shri awardee Dr Sudhir Shah said.

“This initiative includes a series of hands-on workshops where healthcare professionals can practice and refine their skills in stroke management. Efforts are underway to create a network of highly skilled healthcare professionals across India who can respond quickly and effectively to brain attacks, ” said Dr Nirmal Surya, Consultant Neurophysician and ISA President.

Stroke is a medical emergency and the golden hour for stroke treatment is 4 hours 30 minutes to save life. Most patients and their family members are unaware that timely intervention within the golden hour can reduce the chances of complications, a statement from the ISA underlined.

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