A special court in Lucknow sentenced Vijay Sinha, former secretary of the Uttar Pradesh Badminton Association, to five years in jail and his son Nishant Sinha to seven years in prison for sexual and mental harassment of players in Lucknow in 2017. — including minors — joined to the Union.
Nishant was also accused of illegally and unauthorizedly holding the post of “Executive Secretary” of the UP Badminton Association.
“After the verdict of the POCSO court, Vijay Sinha and his son Nishant Sinha, who were released on bail, have been taken into custody and sent to jail,” said Special Advocate Abhishek Upadhyay.
A case under the Sexual Offenses (POCSO) Act was registered on February 21, 2017 at a police station in Lucknow, against Vijay Sinha and his son Nishant Sinha, specifically based on complaints from female players. According to the prosecution, Babu Banarasi Das, the then Chief Security Officer of the UP Badminton Academy, had filed the case on February 12, 2017 based on a resolution passed by the Executive Committee of the UP Badminton Association.