The West Bengal Food Department recently issued a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for paddy procurement in 2025. The move comes amid complaints of rampant corruption in paddy procurement in the state over the past few years.
The Cabinet has already approved the target of procurement of 68 lakh metric tonnes (LMT) of paddy in 2025 at an estimated cost of Rs 18,261.17 crore. It also sanctioned Rs 15,734 crore for payment of Minimum Support Price (MSP) to farmers.
The SOP says, “Government procures paddy at MSP to support small and marginal farmers. It is our responsibility to make the process proactive, smooth, farmer-friendly, and easy…”
On the paddy procurement limit, the SOP notes, “Farmers should be allowed to sell up to 30 quintals (one harvest season) irrespective of the land, with a maximum of 90 quintals per farmer for the entire procurement season (year). Depending on the size of their land. No local limits or conditions should be imposed on the quantity of rice available or on the procurement process.”
The state government has requested the Superintendent of Police to arrange adequate security in the procurement center and has prohibited unauthorized persons from entering any procurement centre.
“Strict action against non-compliance: Any malpractice or non-compliance in procurement centers should be reported to the DM/ADM/SDO and DCFS, and strict action should be taken against the procurement officers, rice mills, or any unauthorized persons or. Criminals involved in misconduct,” SOP adds.
Last year, the food department failed to procure 70 LMT of paddy required for the ration system in the state.
A senior official of the food department said, ‘Last year, the enrollment of farmers and rice mills was low. This year, the government has asked to increase this number. On the other hand, after buying 25 kg of paddy last year, farmers were paid only 22 kg, many cases of corruption have come to light. The government has made SOPs to prevent such practices and strict action will be taken in case of violation.”