Hyderabad: Over 300 transgender people, hijras and sex workers gathered in Secunderabad on Tuesday for a pre-Christmas event. The carol service was dominated by Indian instruments, with voices of praise and worship. It looked like it was Christmas Day everywhere with the well-dressed attendees.
The event was filled with enthusiasm as they clapped and shook their feet. As members of the trans community are happy that the state government has recruited them into the police force, they have also requested the government to help those above 50 years of age with employment opportunities. Some of the participants said that there is a slow change in the society.
Cake cutting and ‘jingle bells’ are part of the event and all participants received a Christmas gift from the organisers. Many of them loved the rich plum cake served before the biryani.
In his Christmas message, Rev. of the United People’s Fellowship. Dr. Joy Cherian explained that God’s love is for every human being. “People may show discrimination but in the eyes of God all are equal. And the coming of Jesus Christ is for the downtrodden and the despised in society,” she said.
Jacob Chinnappa, a retired Air Force officer who organized this event, said, “I have been working with trans people and sex workers for the past several years. These people need care and support from society. Compared to the past, there has been a big change in people’s perception. It is time for people to change and accept them as individuals, even if they are discriminated against.”
Pulakasi Sapna Mala, a transgender person said, “We welcome the initiative taken by the Chief Minister for transgenders, it is the first of its kind in the world. But, that is for under 40 years. We are beyond that age. The government should also provide some source of income for us who are getting old and weak.”
Mata Shree Janaki, another transgender person, shared, “It’s a great platform for the festival. Christmas between our people and gatherings is as sweet as cake. By meeting on such platforms we will meet new people and understand them about our rights and duties in the society.