Varun Dhawan’s Baby John is all set to hit the big screens on December 25. The film will mark Varun Dhawan’s return to action films after his 2015 project Badlapur. As the young filmmaker Atlee is presenting the film, the expectations of the fans are increasing, and the production side has doubled the excitement since the actor Salman Khan is going to make a cameo at the end of the film. Atlee revealed, “Salman Khan has shot a solid mass scene.”
In a recent chat with Pinkvilla, Atlee shared how they came up with the idea of Salman’s cameo and what took them to get the superstar to agree to do it. Attlee said, ‘It was just a preliminary discussion between me and Murad (Khetani) sir. I said to him, ‘Sir, at the end I want a cameo… should we ask Salman sir?’ He said, ‘Okay’. The next day, he calls me in the morning, and says, ‘Salman has agreed to do a cameo.’ I was shocked. I said, ‘I was discussing with you, I don’t have any such scene ready for that. Let me work on it.’
Murad Khetani, who participated in the interview, added, “I didn’t need to convince him (Salman Khan). I had a call with him recently. During our conversation, I simply asked, ‘Brother, we want to do a scene with you in Baby Zone’. He was like, ‘Done, let me know when I have to come for it.’ The conversation did not last more than ten seconds.’
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Atlee, the presenter of the film directed by Kalij, said what a fun experience it was when she was present on the set with Salman Khan. He said, “I wanted everything to be perfect because such superstars were coming to our sets. As a presenter, I have to be responsible. Despite all this, I was twenty minutes late. I am not late, but Salman sir arrived before time. He was told to reach the set at 1 o’clock, but he was already there by 12:30, we all reached exactly 1 o’clock, and we saw him sitting like a lion waiting for us.
“I went and said ‘Namaste’, and he said ‘Namaste’. Varun Dhawan teased, ‘Bruce Lee’s brother Atlee.’
Atlee also shared that after agreeing to do the film, Salman blindly trusted the producer, refusing to listen to the scene. “I asked Murad sir if we can meet Salman sir and share the scene with him… When we approached Salman sir for that, he replied, ‘It’s you boy, why do I have to listen to the scene… I Say you will.’ I have never seen such a superstar,’ said Attlee.
Finally, Atlee revealed, “Salman sir was very fun loving. We captured the best action, we got a good five minute group scene. You can call it a city mar scene. The filmmaker also shared the announcement of another big film, starring Salman Khan. “I’m going to surprise you all,” Atlee said.
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