At the height of her career, Pragya, who plays Kaveri in the much-awaited Balkrishna starrer Daku Maharaj NBK 109 – is not one to indulge in workouts like many actors. “I think when you’re constantly shooting you have to be able to give your body time to get a good night’s sleep so it’s fine and most importantly to be able to eat well. So if I can’t sleep well then food takes care of me. So for me before a workout Food and sleep come,” says Pragya Jaiswal.
“As actors, our schedule can be hectic at times. Sometimes it’s very challenging to work out,” says Pragya, who feels “gym madness” without food and sleep, not for her.
However, she still tries to incorporate some form of physical activity. “When I have a rest schedule, I try to work out 3-4 times a week. Apart from this I try to do some cardio or weight training to practice some flexibility,” says the actor from Jabalpur in Madhya Pradesh.
As an artiste, Pragya believes that one should be able to sleep well throughout the day while shooting continuously and most importantly, eat well. Talking about her diet, Pragya likes to eat simple food. “I love home-cooked meals. I am lucky to have home-cooked meals when I live with my parents, who also eat healthy,” she says.
The actor also makes sure he has enough water. “Water is magic. I think one should balance these things in one’s life,” Pragya points out in the journal every night.
Ask Pragya if she thinks people should follow and teach what works for celebrities, she reminds that it’s important for everyone to understand what works for their body. “Over time, I’ve realized that every person’s body is unique. So what works for me may not work for someone else,” she points out. There are many people who engage in high-intensity workouts and follow a special diet because their bodies need it, she says. “There are people who overeat and gain weight easily so they can stick to a strict diet. There are people who can eat anything and not put on weight. It’s important to know what works.”