MP Jairam Ramesh said the word “real” was actually added by Nehru himself. | Photo Credit: ANI
Hitting back at the BJP for accusing Jawaharlal Nehru of curtailing freedom of expression through the First Amendment of the Constitution, the Congress on Wednesday (Dec 18, 2024) slammed Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah as “master ‘distortions'”. A favorite target.”
The opposition asked if it was too much to expect the two leaders to follow the truth and facts.
Also Read: Day 19 Highlights of Winter Session of Parliament – December 18, 2024
Congress General Secretary Jairam Ramesh, in charge of communications, said, “Articles 19(2), 15(4), and 31(b) were introduced in the Constitution of India through the First Amendment on June 18, 1951. The ‘Bill’ was scrutinized by the Committee. Its In paragraph 2 of the dissenting note Shyama Prasad Mukherjee wrote: ‘The addition of the word ‘reasonable’ before ‘prohibition’ in 19(2) is a very good change.
“This justifies Article 19(2) and I do not want to minimize the importance of this change in the protection of civil liberties in this country,” he said.
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Mr. Ramesh said the word “real” was actually added by Nehru himself.
“Article 19(2) followed a letter written by Sardar Patel to Nehru on June 3, 1950. Article 15(4) followed the Supreme Court’s strike on reservation in public educational institutions in the then Madras Champakam Dorairajan case. Article 31(b) Supreme Court in Bihar, This is the result of the repeal of zamindari abolition laws in Uttar Pradesh and other states,” he said.
“Both those master distorters – PM and HM – were silent on this backdrop of the First Amendment as they attacked their favorite target,” Mr Ramesh said and asked if it was too much to expect any adherence to truth and facts. couple
Both Prime Minister Modi and Home Minister Shah, during their speeches in the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha, accused the Congress of stifling freedom of expression through the First Amendment.
published – December 18, 2024 at 12:48 pm IST