Daily Horoscope, December 18 – Check your horoscope today Today’s horoscope

Aries Horoscope Today: Now is the time for self-questioning

You have to change your perspective and thoughts. Perhaps what is needed now is a period of self-questioning. Even a momentary lack of confidence over the next month or so can prove useful if it keeps you from making a bold move. It may sound strange to say, but rejection can also make room for a future offer.

Taurus Horoscope Today: Feelings of guilt or self-doubt

Feelings of guilt or self-doubt may be related to the fact that you let someone down. Yet at times like these you should always think about what you could have done differently. If there was no real choice, you know you haven’t done wrong.

Gemini Horoscope Today: Come forward and take control

There are times when we all have to come forward and take control. Today is your moment to shine, so don’t lose sight of your responsibilities. Remember that emotional power carries its obligations to those who depend on you: you cannot disappoint other people without storing up problems for yourself.

Cancer Horoscope Today: Money, selflessness and generosity are linked

Today there are two main options. Either you’ll open up to some worthy charitable cause, or you’ll be the lucky recipient of a discreet display of generosity. In each case the areas of your chart are linked to money, altruism and generosity.

Leo Horoscope Today: Other People May Be Right

Perhaps the hardest thing for you to accept right now is that other people are right. May I ask you to remember over the next three months that truth is always relative in this imperfect world of ours. So all approaches can be equally valid.

Virgo Horoscope Today: Professional relationships are important now

Harmonious professional relationships are important now, so it’s safe to predict that whatever changes or disruptions are taking place in the workplace right now will have a very favorable outcome – even if you have to wait longer than expected.

Libra Horoscope Today: It’s always helpful to be reminded of our place in the scheme of things

A recent event may have reminded you how good life is. In fact, it is always helpful to be reminded of our place in the scheme of things from a spiritual perspective, so consider yourself lucky! A loyal partner deserves your thanks, by the way.

Scorpio Horoscope Today: Investing in a new image can pay dividends

A little judicious spending will go a long way in solving some knotty problems. If you want to get ahead at work, for example, investing in a new image can pay dividends. And if you want to win support at home, a well-targeted gift can do the trick.

Sagittarius Horoscope Today: Good old-fashioned manners can be the best

It can be difficult to understand why some partners or business associates are so attractive. Why not put down the fact that Venus, the planet of politeness and kindness, is making a powerful aspect to your sign? Good old fashioned manners may be best.

Capricorn Horoscope Today: Answers to your questions may lie within

If you want to realize your worldly ambitions, you have to go back to the mainstream and start again. However, within about four days you will realize that a period of reflection is not only desirable, but necessary. Your questions may be answered within.

Aquarius Horoscope Today: The main thing is that you are going to enjoy yourself

You have everything to gain and nothing to lose by going into a bout of sheer self-indulgence. It doesn’t really matter whether your pleasures are quiet and serious or completely frivolous. All that matters is that you set yourself up to enjoy it.

Pisces Horoscope Today: Excite partners with your sunny disposition

No one can accuse you of being an impartial observer. In fact, I’d say it’s one of your strengths that you tend to get very intimately involved in other people’s problems. One of the best things you can do right now is to please your partner with your sunny disposition.

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