Thiruvananthapuram will be decorated with flowers under starry lights to welcome the New Year, with the 10-day flower show ‘Vasantholswam 2024’ and New Year lighting starting on December 25.
Kanakakkunu, the site of Vasantholsvam, will be lit up with stellar lights, giving city dwellers and visitors a view till January 3. An organizing committee has been formed for ‘Vasantholotsavam’ headed by Tourism Minister PA Mohammed Rias, General Education Minister. And Labor V. Shivankutty, and Food and Civil Supplies Minister GR Anil as chief trustees.
Adding to the fun will be installations and glittering structures and a variety of flowering plants arranged in visually pleasing patterns, heightening the charm and atmosphere of the festival. “Lights enhance the festive mood of people as they prepare to usher in the New Year,” said Mr. Rias.
“The illuminations and installations at Kanakakkunu organized by the tourism department coincide with the festive occasions of the famous metropolises of the world. Thiruvananthapuram is already on the list of most trending tourist destinations in the world, and this event will attract more domestic tourists to the city,” he said.
Visitors can buy plants at the show. A trade fair, food corner and fun activities for children will boost this year’s flower festival and New Year’s level of illumination. Various competitions have also been organized for school children and the elderly. Participants can register through the District Tourism Promotion Council (DTPC) or Kanakakkunuma festival office, which will start functioning from December 19.
In the program, registration has been started for different types of flower competitions of private organizations and nurseries. Interested parties may contact DTPC office (8129577496, 9400055397, [email protected]).
published – December 17, 2024 at 09:33 pm IST