Hyderabad: The 24-year-old actress and model was duped by fraudsters posing as producers and resource persons for Cinta (Cine and TV Artistes Association). The fraudsters duped him of Rs 50,500 by promising him a Cinta membership card.
According to the Panjagutta police, the victim, Mahima Gaur, a resident of Kundanbagh, said in her complaint that on November 6, a person named Ranjan Shahi called her on the phone and identified himself as a film producer.
After some time Shahi’s assistant Anita called Mahima and identified herself as HR Director from CINTA. Anita assured Mahima that she would be eligible to act in the movie if she had a Cinta membership card. “The fraudsters took Rs 50,500 from Mahima but she was not provided the membership card,” the police said.
“Mahima, who was eager to work in the film, transferred the money to the thug in three installments,” said a police source.
The police said that after Anita and her colleague Ranjan Shahi did not pick up the phone, the suspect grew on the victim.
After realizing that she was duped, she immediately dialed the cyber helpline 1930.
The police have managed to withdraw Rs 20,000 out of Rs 50,500 from the fraudster’s bank account. “The matter is under investigation. Our IT team is trying to identify the server and mobile numbers used by the fraudsters and their bank account numbers. The accused will be arrested soon, said the police officer.