Justice S Muralidhar (retd), former Chief Justice of Orissa High Court, introducing Sangeeta Kalanidhi-designate TM Krishna. Hindu Sangeetha Kalanidhi MS Subbulakshmi Award at the inauguration of Sangeet Academy’s 98th Annual Conference and Concert in Chennai on Sunday. Also Carnatic singer Bombay Jayashree and S. Saumya, and Sangeet Academy president N Murali are also seen. | Photo Courtesy: Ravindran. R
Former Orissa High Court Chief Justice S Muralidhar said on Sunday (December 15, 2024) that to find the art within each of us, we must be ready to let and allow music to reveal the hidden layers. To introduce our artistic selves to us. “This can happen if the music is heard and not just heard or seen. And it can happen if we don’t let our knowledge of music get in the way of enjoying the present moment.”
Speaking at the inaugural program of 98 Drth At The Music Academy’s annual conference and concert here, he said the 2024 Sangeetha Kalanidhi-nominee, Carnatic singer TM Krishna, has made his choice musically and politically clear. He was ready to suffer the results of such elections. He had an example in “MS Amma, who also made clear and bold choices”, Justice Muralidhar said. “He chose to sing Tamizh Isai He earned a five-year ban from the academy. Thankfully, it made amends and was awarded the Sangeeta Kalanidhi in 1968,’ he recalled.
was introduced to Sri Krishna Hindu Sangeetha Kalanidhi MS Subbulakshmi Awardee in her speech said that she was blessed to receive the award instituted in her memory. “For a singer like me to receive an award established in her memory is not only a signal honor but a blessing. Moreover, it also carries this responsibility: that I am not only my trained voice, my concentrated mind, but my being, my Life, with everything I sing I give thanks HindYou have imposed that responsibility on me,’ he said.
With so much happening in the virtual universe, Sri Krishna said “we have forgotten the sabha culture of Carnatic music”. “I was told by several prominent musicians that, between June and September this year, there were no Sabha concerts. The Sabha network is a unique feeder system that provides continuous opportunities to musicians at various stages of their musical careers. It helps to get feedback and grow the profession. This network has been weakened and it should concern us all,” he said.
The President of The Music Academy, N Murali, said that Justice (Retd.) Muralidhar was widely respected for his honesty, clarity, scholarship, discipline and the greatest selfishness. He is a keen and enthusiastic rasika and connoisseur of Carnatic music and makes time to attend concerts during the season. About Sri Krishna, he said the singer gave his first concert at the age of 12 in 1988 at the Academy’s Spirit of Youth series. His musical career has truly been a journey of exploration and the boundaries of Carnatic sound.
Carnatic singer Bombay Jayashree and S. Soumya welcomed the opportunity. The Sangeeta Kalanidhi Award will be conferred on Mr. Krishna on January 1, 2025.
published – December 15, 2024 at 11:29 am IST