Disguised as a bank employee, a team of Vadodara city police on Saturday arrested one of the four accused registered in the 2016 gang-rape case in the city from Jhabua in Madhya Pradesh. He was on the run for almost nine years.
Police personnel from the City Police Station in Vadodara traced the accused, Kamlesh Ninama, who is accused of kidnapping, illegally confining and raping a laborer working at a construction site in the city in 2016.
Inspector RL Prajapati, along with two assistant constables Sanjaysingh Udesingh and Patabhai Padmabai, informed that Ninama’s address was found in Jabhuva.
The police first contacted the villagers and identified the house of the accused. Officers disguised as bank employees reached the house. The police then took the family into confidence and told them that they were looking for the accused as he had an “overdue loan” from the bank.
The accused’s family had shared his mobile number, which was then used to track his current location, police said. Officials said the accused was traced and arrested in Vadodara.
Assistant Commissioner of Police GB Bhambhania said, ‘We have started working on the 2016 case as part of the campaign launched by the Commissioner of Police to arrest the absconding accused. The accused will be arrested and produced in court.”
Police said that in 2016, a woman laborer working at a construction site in Vadodara had lodged a complaint of gang-rape, who was abducted by Ninama, Shantu Ninama, Kailash Bhavor and Kantu Bhavor and taken to Rajkot.
The victim was locked in her house and raped by four people repeatedly for three days. After that, the other three accused who were arrested left him in charge of Kamlesh Ninama and absconded.
It is alleged that the arrested accused raped the woman several times after keeping her in custody for 20 days before releasing her. The woman returned to Vadodara and filed a complaint at the city police station.
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