After listing two bills that would enable simultaneous elections for the Lok Sabha and assemblies of states and union territories for Monday, the government has postponed their introduction in the Lok Sabha till the end of this week, sources said on Sunday.
The Constitution (One Hundred and Twenty-second Amendment) Bill, 2024 and the Union Territories (Amendment) Bill, 2024 were included in the list of business in the Lok Sabha on Monday. However, both bills were left out of the amended business list.
The government has decided to table the bills later this week, possibly on Tuesday, sources familiar with the development said. Discussion and voting on supplementary demands for grants for 2024-2025 and presentation and passage of the Appropriation Bill by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman have been included in the revised list of business in the Lok Sabha on Monday.
According to the sources, there is a program to start the discussion on 75 years of the Constitution in the Rajya Sabha on Monday.
The Cabinet meeting last week approved the two bills. Based on the recommendations of the High Level Committee One nation one election Under the chairmanship of former President Ram Nath Kovind, the bill has fixed the process of holding elections at once.
The President shall notify the “appointed date” at the first meeting of the Lok Sabha after the general election and the term of any Legislative Assembly elected after that date shall be reduced to expire with the Lok Sabha.
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