Priyanka Chopra’s acting in popular Bollywood movies Dawn had stunned audiences decades ago. In a discussion at the Red Sea Film Festival, the actor opened up about her Tai Chi training Before shooting the film, and how it changed him mentally as an actor.
“The first time, the act I touched well was in the first don. I remember learning tai chi well for it,” Chopra said of taking classes for it. , not your relationship with co-stars, how you behave on set, but what you do between action and cuts. ” she added.
How Tai Chi practice can help asked experts and found out how Tai Chi helps people improve their focus.
Rakesh Menon, Founder-Director and Chief Instructor of the Universal Tai Chi Qigong School, says that practicing Tai Chi activates the two sides of the brain, the right and the left, in a more balanced way. “Humans have more energy in the right side of the brain, which is considered the physical part Balance On the left side, so that both can come into balance with each other and perform differently together, consciously and subconsciously,” he said.
“Secondly, when any movement of tai chi or chi kung is practiced, it opens up the cells of your body so the oxygenated breath goes to the subconscious level, and this oxygenated breath supplies the brain cells,” Menon said. It opens up the brain waves, the movements, the ability to think, the ability to calm yourself physically, mentally.
A basic principle of Tai Chi is to slow down and slow yourself down. “Breathing and how it regulates your entire thought process, it gives you a sense of calmness and clarity of thought in terms of how to approach things. Over time, you will become more confident and treat it as part of your ongoing life journey. By default, if If you have anxiety, stress and other elements that are causing a lot of stress in your mind, tai chi is a way where you are able to deal with such situations in a more holistic approach,” he explained.
Dr Arvind Ota, senior psychologist and mental health worker, lists some of the reasons why tai chi helps with better focus:
Mental clarity and focus: Most tai chi movements are slow and precise, making the practice an effective way to relax the mind. Focused meditation increases awareness and develops focus.
Stress reduction and relaxation: Because tai chi is often performed slowly and precisely, the movements stimulate the parasympathetic system, therefore leading to relaxation. It also helps reduce cortisol – the stress hormone and brings calm.
Emotional balance and mood enhancement: Research has found that Tai Chi can improve emotional health. It is associated with anxiety, depression and dealing with negative emotions. Breath control and body movement help regulate the flow of endorphins, the body’s natural mood-enhancing hormones.
Improved sleep: Oxidative stress is mainly associated with psychological or physical stress. Practicing Tai Chi can ensure better sleep. Quality sleep improves learning, and the ability to regulate emotions.
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