Aiming to give patients an “informed choice” and make them aware of their right to purchase medicines from where they see fit, the Gujarat Food and Drugs Control Administration (FDCA) on Friday issued a circular to all its Assistant Commissioners. Ensure that all in-house medical stores in the hospital display a disclaimer saying “Patients of this hospital are not required to purchase medicines from here”.
The circular, said FDCA Commissioner Dr Hemant G Kosia, was followed by several complaints from patients, caregivers and chemists, who had brought to light unfair business practices leading to high out-of-pocket healthcare costs for treatment seekers.
A statement issued by the Gujarat FDCA on Saturday said, “Patients coming for treatment in the state are forced to buy medicines from the medical stores within the hospitals. Because of this, the patients have not been able to get generic drugs or other cheap drugs and have to bear the financial burden.”
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