The Pune Book Festival organized by the National Book Trust (NBT) on December 14 featured a diverse literary palette with over 600 book stalls. The festival, which was inaugurated by Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis on Saturday, is scheduled to run till December 22 at the Fergusson College grounds. The theme of this year’s festival is ‘Celebrating Worlds, Cultures and Connections’, with books in both Indian and world languages aimed at developing a reading culture.
NBT Director Yuvraj Malik explained how the trust has been working for the past 67 years to promote book reading culture in the country. “The idea behind the theme is to connect the young generation with the power of reading and help them become good citizens. It also aims to inspire ways we can integrate books into our lives, whether they be for pleasure or empowerment. Through this festival, we are working to promote art, literature and culture where all these dimensions can flourish,” he added.
The festival has included several unique features and events in its itinerary this year. It holds a literary festival that will be held from December 20 to 22 with round-the-clock sessions by speakers from various fields of expertise. In addition, the fest also includes literary events and a literary stage for book launches where publishers can discuss their books. A children’s film festival has also been integrated into the festival for children to enjoy and connect their learning through film. “The aim of the film festival is to connect our children with the power of visual presentation from book to screen and from screen to book. The films screened are acclaimed films from around the world. We have earlier organized this film festival in Lucknow and Ahmedabad, and this year we are happy to start this festival in Pune,” says Malik.
While the Children’s Film Festival is an innovative addition, the Pune Book Festival has become an exciting venue for publishers and exhibitors from across the country.
One of them is veteran publisher Mohan Murari Sharma from Agra, representing Nikhil Publishers. Sharma, who participated in the festival for the first time, brought 1,000 books in four languages, Sanskrit, Hindi, English and Marathi, suitable for all age groups. “I see this as a golden opportunity to showcase our work. I have heard good things about this festival,” he said.
Another major participant is Virendra Tiwari, owner of Shivalik Publications in Delhi, which specializes in books on art, archeology and philosophy. Tiwari, who participated in the festival for the second time, highlighted its growing volume. ‘This year the festival is very big. Last year there were only 200 stalls. I had a great experience then, so I decided to come back,’ he said.
Adding a touch of innovation to the program is Shiv Kumar representing Audible Educational Aids from Hyderabad. His stall features scientific games and educational science kits, with several new additions this year.
Such diversity in participating exhibitors is sure to make the Pune Book Festival a rich and enriching experience for every book lover. Alefiah Pata, a student of SNDT College, said, “The atmosphere is completely different this time.” From manga and novels to self-help books, Alefiah observes that the festival offers something for every type of book lover. “There’s an incredible spectrum of genres — truly a paradise for readers,” she added. His enthusiasm reflects the festival’s growing appeal among young audiences.
“The amount and variety of books present at the venue is simply astounding. I have seen almost all the books on my reading list on various subjects like philosophy, history, politics and fiction. The festival is also a great opportunity to listen to discussions between speakers and writers,” says Drumil Modi, a student of the college who participated in the event.
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