Akshay Kumar and Twinkle Khanna Known for their playful camaraderie, often marked by light-hearted banter. A recent social media interaction where Kumar pulled his wife’s leg while appreciating and congratulating her for winning the Crossword Popular Choice Award was proof of that. “My trophy wife literally. But he earns his praise himself. So proud of my Crossword Popular Choice Award winner,” she captioned her Instagram story.
Do you know what the word trophy wife means? What meanings are associated with this word?
Definition and its implications
Juhi Pandey, a psychologist at Mpower, Aditya Birla Education Trust, said the term refers to a younger woman married to a rich and successful older man. “A trophy is a symbol of achievement, often displayed with pride. Similarly, a ‘trophy wife’ is seen as an achievement that elevates a man’s status,” she said.
Pandey also explained the negative connotations of the word. “It implies that a woman is valued only for her physical appearance, youth and beauty rather than her personality or abilities. It reinforces objectification, presenting women as possessions rather than partners,” she said.
How can these meanings affect a woman’s self-worth?
Pandey said that such labels cause great damage to women’s self-esteem. “Being objective only for physical attributes reduces the recognition of her other qualities and abilities. Over time, this can reduce confidence and self-worth,” she said.
Women can also doubt themselves if their partner’s status is emphasized more than their own. “Each woman biologically goes through different stages that affect her body shape and size. Unrealistic standards are often associated with ‘trophy wives’—e.g. maintaining a distinctive appearance Even though it is a natural biological change, it can affect mental and emotional health,’ said Pandey.
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