On Monday, the police arrested the owner of a cake shop in Uttar Pradesh for firing five shots at a wedding ceremony in Dindoli on Sunday night. Of the five bullets fired, three went in the air and two hit the victim’s leg.
The incident took place during a procession in Sai Shakti society. Accused Umesh Tiwari had gone to a relative’s wedding. While dancing with other guests, he allegedly pulled a licensed revolver from a holster attached to his waist.
The injured Santosh Baghel from Madhya Pradesh and Birendra Vishwakarma from Uttar Pradesh have been taken to the hospital. The police said that both of them were hit on the left leg and a cartridge was recovered from the scene. The condition of both the injured is stable.
Tiwari who runs a cake shop in Dindoli, Officials said that it was identified through CCTV footage. Tiwari has been charged under various sections of the Indian Judicial Code, including 125(a) (negligent act endangering human life), 125(b) (causing grievous hurt), and 223 (disobeying orders of public servant). 30 of the Arms Act.
Surat Police Zone 2 Deputy Commissioner Bhagirath Gadhvi said, “We have arrested the accused. He obtained his gun license in 2020, but violated its conditions. We have started the process of suspending his license. One is injured in the thigh and the other is injured in the left leg.”