Yes Madam, a Noida-based startup that also appeared on Shark Tank India, is under fire online for allegedly firing more than 100 employees based on a mental health survey. The home salon service platform eliminated employees who were feeling stressed at work.
A copywriter at YesMadam has posted online what it calls an email informing employees that they were fired overnight. “What is going on at Yesmadam? First you do a random survey and then fire us overnight because we are under stress? And not only me but 100 other people have been fired,” the employee wrote on LinkedIn.
In the mail sent to the employees, many people said that they were under stress, the company said that this decision was taken so that no one would be under stress. “As a company committed to fostering a healthy and supportive work environment, we have carefully considered feedback. To ensure that no one is stressed at work, we have made the difficult decision to part ways with employees who indicate significant stress,” the email read.
Check out the post here:
The post ignited a huge outcry. A LinkedIn user wrote, “This is literally the epitome of “Tum muje tanha do, main tumhe azadi donga.” Another user responded, “What kind of sick solution is this?! Was your stress affecting your performance? Or lose money to the company in any shape or form??”
“This is diabolical. I’m sorry you lost your job but I think you’re better off without this company. All the best,” a third user commented.
In Shark Tank India Season 3, Yesmadam was able to get investment from four sharks: Piyush Bansal, Vinita Singh, Ritesh Agarwal and Aman Gupta.