In the academic session 2024-25, around eight lakh students of the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) have opted for the AI courses launched by the board in 2019.
In an unstarred question asked by Gujarat MP Rajeshbhai Chudasama in the Lok Sabha about artificial intelligence curriculum in Education Board, Minister of State for Education Jayant Chaudhary said that in the session 2024-25, 7,90,999 students and nearly 4,538 schools have opted for AI at secondary level.
He also added that around 50,343 students from around 944 schools have opted for AI at the senior secondary level.
In the Lok Sabha, Chaudhary said that the board had implemented ‘artificial intelligence’ in its affiliated schools in 2019 and had developed readiness to understand and appreciate its application. The course is offered as a 15-hour module in Grade 8 and as a skill subject in Grades 9 to 12.
At the same time, the minister added that out of 30,373 schools affiliated to CBSE, 29,719 schools have IT infrastructure as per CBSE Affiliation By-laws.