Himansi Khurana, a Punjabi model and actress, rose to fame for her performance in Bigg Boss 13. At ABP Live’s Health Conclave Punjab 2024, she spoke about her weight loss journey and how, with the help of a simple diet, she gradually. shed 11 kilos. Khurana also added that he did not go to the gym, opting for Pilates only twice a week. Instead of giving up her favorite foods, she aims to eat everything, just make sure they’re all home-cooked. “I still have parathas every day,” added Himansi.
Recently, the topic of weight loss has become popular. With so many extreme options and methods available, people opt for the ones that offer the fastest and most attractive results, even if they are unhealthy. However, they emphasize that Khurana should be healthy and not thin.
How are these two concepts different? Indianexpress.com spoke to an expert for clarity.
Veena V, chief clinical dietitian at Astor Whitefield Hospital, Bengaluru said that when we talk Not healthy or thin It is important to understand that health is more than appearance or weight. “Health comes in all shapes and sizes so being thin doesn’t mean a person is healthy. Weight and body size are very imperfect measures of health. Only a person’s body composition can tell whether a person is healthy, including their muscle mass, skeletal mass, water level. Percentage and metabolic rate, everything is very important. She added that every person’s genetics and lifestyle are different, so many people with large bodies are also very healthy.
Generally, people consider themselves healthy based on BMI measures, but it is not always an accurate measure of body fat and should not be used as the sole determinant of overall health. Veena emphasized that our healthy eating style, balanced diet, good energy level and overall physical fitness are very important when considering whether a person is healthy. Furthermore, we need to look at their muscle tone, nutrition, organ function, and metabolism.
When can being thin be unhealthy?
Veena said Being skinny can be unhealthy When it is the result of conditions such as poor nutrition, excessive exercise, or eating disorders.
“Underweight individuals may be at greater risk of certain health conditions due to malnutrition, hair loss, osteoporosis, loss of muscle strength, changes in muscle tone, reduced immunity and early death due to reduced life expectancy, often starvation, poverty. Nutrition, or increased stress-related problems. As a result, they often suffer from various gastrointestinal disorders such as IBS, IBD, and acute gastroenteritis,” she explained.
According to Veena, thin people should strive for balance, which means maintaining a healthy body composition and the right amount of muscle mass. They need to pay attention to their body fat percentage. Rather than focusing solely on getting thin, prioritizing good nutrition, strength, and endurance is more important for long-term health.
Disclaimer: This article is based on information from the public domain and/or experts we spoke to. Always consult your health practitioner before starting any routine.
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