In the latest episode of Bigg Boss 18, filmmaker Farah Khan hosted the weekend Ka Vaar instead of the show’s regular host, Salman Khan. He slammed many contestants on the show for their bad behavior. The highlight of the episode was contestant, actress Shilpa Shirodkar sharing an interesting anecdote with Farah. Towards the end of the episode, while talking to Chum Darang and Karanveer Mehra, she recounted the time when Farah approached her for the song “Chaiyya Chaiyya” from Dil Se starring Malaika Arora and Shah Rukh Khan.
In the episode, Shilpa Shirodkar opened up about being rejected for the track because of her weight. Shilpa said, ‘She (Farah) contacted me for Chaiyya Chaiyya. He was asked by the filmmaker-choreographer to lose weight to act in the song. However, after a week or 10 days, actor Farah refused.
Read this also Bigg Boss 18: Shilpa Shirodkar breaks down in tears while talking about fight with sister Namrata Shirodkar: ‘We didn’t speak for two weeks…’
When Karan asked Shilpa why she couldn’t lose weight, what she told Farah was, “You’re too fat for Geet.” Karanveer laughed after hearing his story. She said that Malaika Arora was placed opposite Shah Rukh Khan in the song after being rejected. Karanveer jokingly said, ‘Tu chadhi to train rukh jati kya? (Would the train have stopped if you were in it?)” She then said that only Farah and Dil Se director Mani Ratnam could tell the real reason why she was not selected.
Bigg Boss 18 airs every Monday to Friday at 10:00 PM and Saturday and Sunday at 9:30 PM on Colors TV. A 24-hour live channel on JioCinema is available for all premium subscribers.