Two years after his last release, Ajith Kumar is all set to return to the silver screen with Magizh Thirumeni’s Vidamuyarchi, slated for a Pongal 2025 release. Meanwhile, it was speculated that Vidyamuyarchi would be delayed due to various reasons including the dubbing of the movie not being completed. However, shutting down the protestors has come as a welcome step, the makers revealed Ajit Has completed the dubbing of his part in a dubbing studio in Azerbaijan.
Along with the announcement, Suresh Chandra of Ajith’s PR team shared a picture of the superstar and director Magizh at a dubbing studio in Baku. With Ajith’s racing career commitments keeping him in Europe, the makers opted for dubbing in Baku to avoid any untoward delays as the film was set for release in a month.
Look at it Vidamuyarchi Teaser: Ajith, Trisha take an intense road trip; Magizh Thirumeni movie is releasing this Pongal
Ajith Kumar completes dubbing 🎙️ for VidaaMuyarchi in Baku, Azerbaijan 📍#Vidamuyarchi In cinemas worldwide from PONGAL 2025!#Ajitkumar #MagizhThirumeni #Tufanmehri @LycaProductions #Subhaskaran @gkmtamilkumaran @anirudhofficial @omdop @srikanth_nb @MilanFern30…
– Suresh Chandra (@SureshCandraa) December 7, 2024
Backed by Lyca Productions, Vidaamuyarchi is an adaptation of the 1997 English film, called Breakdown. Vidamuyarchi reunites Ajith with his Mankatha co-stars Trisha and Arjuna. Apart from these actors, the film also stars Aarav, Regina Cassandra, Nikhil Nair and Dasharathi. The recent teaser featuring the lead characters has set the right tone for the film, which is expected to be a horror thriller like Magees’ previous films, Meghman, Thadaiyara Thakka and Thadaam.
Also Read: Regina Cassandra praises Vidamuyarchi co-star Ajith: ‘Everyone should meet the man’
Vidamuyarchi has music by Anirudh Ravichander, cinematography by Om Prakash and editing by NB Srikanth.
Meanwhile, Ajith is also currently working on Adhi Ravichandran’s Good Bad Ugly, backed by Mithri Movie Makers, which recently delivered the biggest Indian blockbuster, Pushpa 2: The Rule.