Even as the Karnataka government is embroiled in the Mysore Urban Development Authority (Muda) scam, an unidentified person has been booked for allegedly trying to convert agricultural land in Mysore’s Kesare village into residential plots using fake letterhead of an officer on special duty. Chief Minister DK Shivakumar.
Bengaluru’s Vidhan Soudha Police registered an FIR under Indian Judicial Code sections 336(3) (forgery for the purpose of cheating) and 340 (using a document forged as genuine) on the complaint of Sivashankar S, officer on special duty. Chief Minister
Shivshankar alleged that the accused forged his letterhead and sought approval for land conversion from the Additional Chief Secretary, Urban Development Department. In the forged letter, a request was made to convert five acres of 22 guntas of agricultural land under different survey numbers including 348/1 of Kesari into residential land.
Shivshankar said that fake applications were sent from August 1 to 28. The police have started an investigation into the matter.