While social media is flooded with videos of Deepika Padukone’s special appearance at Diljit Dossaj’s Bengaluru concert, a woman in an X post shared a harrowing account of how the event turned into a “Kannada language row” for her. Sharing the incident, Tanisha Saverwal claimed that a woman pushed her and abused her after asking her to leave.
Saverwal said the fight escalated when her friend came to her defense and the woman in question twisted her arm. Saverwal, who recorded the incident, was then threatened with action by the police.
“I didn’t think I’d be saying this after living this long but Bangalore will be destroyed soon because of this language problem. If you’re going to say ‘so learn’, go ahead and read. Yesterday’s Diljit concert experience was pathetic,” Saverwal wrote on X.
“Things escalated, she pulled out her phone, aggressively started saying all sorts of racist things. We even started recording. Next thing you know she grabbed my friends hand and turned around, which was also thankfully on video. Touchwood, a lot of people supported her. Asked not to create a scene,” he wrote.
Saverwal said the woman started crying and pretended to collapse and asked her to delete the video. ‘The police left, did not come back. Now it was time for the last female card. She started crying, acting collapsed and creating a whole scene. Notice, there was no one around her. Her friends left as soon as she created a scene,” she wrote.
Check out the post here:
I didn’t think I would be saying this after living for so long but Bangalore will be destroyed soon because of this language problem.
If you’re going to say ‘so learn’, go ahead but read.
Yesterday’s Diljit concert experience was miserable.
— Tanishaa Saverwal (@tanishaa03) December 7, 2024
The post has received about two lakh views. Many social media users condemned the incident. One user wrote, ‘Thank God she didn’t ask Diljit to sing in Kannada. “A person who speaks in Kannada is less likely to attend a Diljit concert,” commented another user.
Diljit Dosanjh has come into limelight due to his ‘Dil-Luminati’ tour of India. He will conclude his tour with a final concert in Guwahati on December 29.