The makers of Ranbir Kapoor and Sai Pallavi starrer Ramayana so far The details of the film are kept tight. However, Ranbir, who recently appeared as a featured speaker at the Red Sea Film Festival in Jeddah, shared a glimpse. Directed by Nitesh Tiwari While addressing the gathering. The actor felt lucky and “humbled” to get the opportunity to portray Lord Rama on the big screen. He also took a moment to praise the film’s producer, Namit Malhotra, for his passion and dedication to the project.
A video from the festival has gone viral, in which Ranbir Kapoor is discussing the film. In the clip, the Barfi actor said, “I am currently working on Ramayana, which is the biggest story around. My childhood friend Namit Malhotra, who has made this book with such passion, has got the best from all the actors, all the creative people, the crew. It was directed by Nitesh Tiwari.
Ranveer also revealed that he has completed shooting for the first part of the two-part franchise. He said, ‘It has two parts. I have finished shooting part 1 and will shoot part 2 soon. To be a part of that story, I am very humbled to essay the role of Ram. This is a dream for me. This is a film that has everything. It teaches about Indian culture – family dynamics and spousal dynamics.
He spoke about this for the first time in the last one year #Ramayana 😂👍🏻#Ranveerakpur
— Radhe 🪓 Ranvijay (@Being_Bhai_) December 8, 2024
In November, producer Namit Malhotra shared his vision for the project in a series of posts on his X (formerly Twitter) handle. He has written, ‘More than a decade ago, I embarked on a great quest to bring this epic poem, which has ruled the hearts of billions for more than 5,000 years, to the big screen. “And today, I am thrilled to see it take shape beautifully as our team works tirelessly with one purpose: to present the most authentic, sacred, and visually stunning adaptation of our history, our truth and our culture – our “Ramayana”. – Around the world For the people,” he wrote in another post. He added, “Join us in fulfilling our dream of bringing our greatest epic to life with pride and reverence… Part 1 on Diwali 2026 and Part 2 on Diwali 2027. From our entire Ramayana family.”
More than a decade ago, I embarked on a grand quest to bring this epic that has ruled the hearts of millions for over five thousand years to the big screen.
– Namit Malhotra (@malhotra_namit) November 6, 2024
The film has an impressive cast. Ranbir Kapoor and Sai Pallavi will play the roles of Ram and Sita respectively, while Ravi Dubey has recently been confirmed for the role of Laxman. Meanwhile, Kannada superstar Yash will play the role of Ravana. The first part of the film is scheduled to be released in 2026 and the second part will be released in 2027.
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