Bigg Boss 17 fame and comedian Munwar Farooqui recently shared an emotional story about his son’s battle with a rare disease called Kawasaki disease. Munawar revealed that his son was only one and a half years old when he was diagnosed with a disease that causes swelling of blood vessels and damage to the heart. Remembering the challenging times, Munawar said that the diagnosis of this disease cost a lot of money. His son needed an injection which cost Rs 25,000 but Munwar only had Rs 700 in his pocket.
“I was completely caught off guard, and it was a really difficult moment for me,” Munwar said during a conversation with Janice Sequeira on her YouTube channel, describing the 30-40 minute feeling of shock. With no other option, Munawar had to rely on the kindness of others to raise funds for his son’s treatment. “I had to swallow my pride and ask for help, which was really hard for me,” he said. Munawar managed to collect the money and return it within three hours, but the experience humbled him.
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He also revealed how he was able to raise funds during difficult times. He said, ‘I went to Mumbai Central, collected the money and returned within three hours. When I was relieved, I couldn’t smile because it wasn’t my money,” he said and then added, “After that day, I made sure I would never be financially inadequate again.”
Munawar, who recently tied the knot with Mahjabeen Kotwala, has opened up about his personal life, including his six-year-old son Mikel from his previous marriage to Jasmin. The comedian first spoke about his son on Kangana Ranaut’s TV reality show Lock Up and often shares pictures with him on social media.