Meet Sri Lankan elephant king famous for collecting ‘road tax’: ‘Corruption in animal government’ | Trending news

“It’s King’s world, we live in it,” reads an Instagram video posted by BBC Earth, and it’s hard to disagree. In Sri Lanka, the concept of paying road tolls has taken an unexpected turn after the elephant king appointed himself the local toll collector.

Unlike typical toll booths on highways, manned by staff in tiny cabins, Raja operates on his own terms. Placed on roadsides in Ceylon, he confidently approaches passing vehicles and uses his powerful trunk to nudge drivers and passengers. His demand? the food As negotiations often take place, they often end in favor of the king. Finally, passengers hand over their lunch.

As reported by NDTV, those traveling from Lunugamvera to Sella Kataraga often stop by the roadside to pick up fruits like bananas, hoping to cross paths with the king and his fellow elephant companions.

Watch the viral video:

The video spread like wildfire online, garnering more than 16 million views within 24 hours. The comment section was filled with netizens who couldn’t get enough of the cuteness and humor.

A user wrote, ‘The road is built from his own land, he has the right to collect taxes. Another user said, ‘We found corruption in the animal government.

“These elephants are true businessmen,” wrote a third person. A fourth person commented, “GST = Gajraj Service Tax.” Another user wrote, “Here and how I want to pay my taxes.”

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