Deepika Padukone made her first public appearance since the birth of her daughter Dua at Diljit Dosanjh’s concert in Bengaluru on Friday night. The actor seemed to be having a great time with the GOAT singer on stage. A video from the event shows Deepika singing “Lover” on stage with Diljit. In one of the videos, she even teaches him a few words in Kannada, which gets a lot of excitement from the audience.
After clips from the concert created a buzz on social media, Diljit himself took to his Instagram account and shared a heartwarming video of him attending Deepika’s concert. He wrote, “Queen @deepikapadukone at Dil-Luminati Tour in Bengaluru. Year 24”
Welcoming the Chennai Express actor on stage, the singer said, “How cute they are. We have seen them on the big screen. I never thought that we would see them so closely. They are so cute and they have made a world of their own in Bollywood. (She has done such a good job. I have seen her on the big screen. I never thought I would get to see her so closely. Such a good job and she left her own mark in Bollywood, all by herself).
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He added, “It’s well done, lovely work. Aap sab ko fakar hona haiye, hum sab ko fakar hai. Lots of love. Thank you so much ma’am for coming to our show (You have done such a wonderful and lovely job. We should all be proud, and we are all proud of you. Much love. You came to our show; thank you so much for that). Thank you.”
Before being invited on stage, Deepika was seen dancing in the crowd to her song Lover. In a video clip, Deepika was also seen teaching Diljit a sentence in Kannada, which he repeated amid cheers from fans. Before leaving the stage, she bowed to Diljit and waved to the audience. Fans were very excited to see him in concert.
Deepika Padukone teaching Kannada to Diljit Singh 🔥
Her first film was with Ashwarya @nimmaupendra 😄 if you remember#Deepika Padukone #DiljitDosanjh
– Roshan ᵀᵒˣᶦᶜ 🃏 (@Roshan_RSY) December 6, 2024
Meanwhile, the beloved singer has become popular worldwide with his Dil Luminati tour. The tour will end with his last concert in Guwahati on December 29.
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