We all know why experts recommend not eating a heavy meal before going to bed. Dr Jinal Patel, a dietician at Apollo Spectra Hospital in Mumbai, said that it slows down the body’s metabolism and leads to some chronic diseases. “The body has a harder time digesting carbohydrates if eaten before bed; as a result, you may gain weight and develop acidity problems. Some may also experience abdominal pain, discomfort, persistent stomach pain and acidity – ultimately gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).” causes,” he said.
“Late night eaters are at risk of obesity, heart problems and diabetes. Eating junk food, especially late at night, will further narrow and clog arteries due to cholesterol and fatty deposits (called plaque),” said Dr. Patel.
Shweta Jaiswal, Senior Dietitian of Sharda Hospital said.Lightly fruity Before bed can help prevent late-night hunger pangs without harming sleep quality. Fruits are naturally low in calories and contain gentle sugars that satisfy cravings without causing a sugar crash. They’re also hydrating, which is helpful for overall health, making them perfect for this occasion.”
Fruits to eat before bed
• Berries (like strawberries and blueberries): Low in sugar, high in antioxidants and easy to digest.
• Cherries: especially tart cherries, which contain melatonin which helps improve sleep.
• Kiwi: Known for vitamin C and antioxidants, kiwi can also promote better sleep.
• Peaches and plums: Both are low-calorie options that satisfy sweet cravings without being heavy on the stomach.
Which fruits should be avoided?
Bananas: Can increase body temperature and metabolism, which can disrupt sleep.
Watermelon: High in water content, which can lead to late-night bathroom trips.
• Citrus fruits: Their acidity can cause heartburn or indigestion.
• Apples and pineapples: Both can irritate the digestive system due to fiber and acidity.
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