The cast and crew of ‘Pushpa 2: The Rule’ came together on Saturday for a successful reunion, with the action drama becoming the fastest Indian film to cross the Rs 500 crore mark worldwide. Pushpa 2 has earned Rs 449 crore worldwide in the first two days of its release and has collected more than Rs 600 crore in the first half of the third day. Actor Allu Arjun, director Sukumar and other producers of the film were present in the event. However, Rashmika Mandana did not attend. During the event, the makers thanked the fans of the franchise, and Allu Arjun also addressed the tragic death of a woman at the preview show a few days ago.
In his speech, the actor thanked many people associated with the film, from technicians to his co-stars, as well as the media. The actor specifically scolded the film’s writer and director Sukumar. He thanked the Telangana government for allowing the hike in ticket prices. Expressing his happiness over the success of the film, Allu Arjun also expressed his grief over the death of a woman after a stampede-like situation was created at Sandhya theater a few days ago.
Speaking about the incident, the actor said in Telugu, “A very unfortunate incident happened at Sandhya Cinema. We are extremely sorry for that. I didn’t know anything about it until the next morning. When I heard about it on December 5, I was shocked. It took hours to process and react to the incident. It took me about 10 hours. We were all very emotional after hearing the news.”
Also Read – Pushpaa 2 Box Office Collection Day 3 Early Report: Allu Arjun’s Blockbuster To Cross 600 Crore Mark Worldwide
A day after the incident, Allu Arjun announced a compensation of Rs 25 lakh to the victim’s family. At the event, he admitted that no amount of compensation would be enough. “No amount of compensation will do justice to what happened, what I have done is just to let them know that we are with them. Right now, I am giving them space to process their personal loss. Later, I will meet them personally and assure them that I am only I’m a call away.”
On December 6, Allu Arjun shared a video with the caption: “Deeply heartbroken by the tragic incident at Sandhya Theatre. My deepest condolences to the bereaved family at this unimaginably difficult time. I want to assure them that they are not alone in this pain and will meet the family personally. Condolences While respecting their need for space to perform, I am committed to providing every possible support to help them navigate this challenging journey.”
Deeply heartbroken by the tragic incident at Sandhya Theatre. My deepest condolences to the bereaved family at this unimaginably difficult time. I want to reassure them that they are not alone in this pain and to visit the family in person. While respecting their needs…
– Allu Arjun (@alluarjun) December 6, 2024
There was a commotion at Sandhya Theater on Wednesday as fans thronged to catch a glimpse of Pushpa Tara, who arrived unexpectedly during a benefit program. As a result, a 32-year-old woman died at the scene and a child was seriously injured, creating a stampede at the scene. According to ANI, a case has been filed against the management and the actor.
Apart from the Telangana government, Allu Arjun also thanked the Andhra Pradesh and Bihar governments for their support and contribution to the film’s success. He also thanked the entire Indian film industry for allowing the film a single release. The actor promised to return the favor when films from other regions are released in Telugu-speaking states.