Netflix has announced the release of ‘Yo Yo Honey Singh: Famous’, a documentary film revolving around the life of the Indian hip-hop star and music artist. Directed by Moze Singh and produced by Sikhya Entertainment, the film will premiere on December 20. The makers shared the announcement on Instagram on Friday with a poster of the hip-hop star.
“The name you know, the story you don’t. Witness the rise of a legend who changed the face of Indian music forever. Watch Yo Yo Honey Singh: Famous on 20 December, only on Netflix! Read the post’s caption.
The documentary offers a rare glimpse into the life of Honey Singh, whose real name is Hirdesh Singh. The docu-film will shed light on the man behind the headlines, from his meteoric rise in the music industry to the challenges and controversies he faced. Sikhya Entertainment, known for its Oscar-winning projects, has produced the film under the direction of Guneet Monga Kapoor and Achin Jain. The editing is done by Deepa Bhatia and the associate producer is Raunak Bajaj.
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Honey Singh became a household name in India with hits like ‘Brown Rang’, ‘English Beat’ and ‘Dope Shop’. However, his career took a dramatic turn when he disappeared from the public eye for a few years, later revealing that he was battling mental health issues.