Aamir Khan who is preparing Missing Ladies’ Oscar campaign, Recently shared an update on his next film Sitare Zameen Par. The film was earlier scheduled to release in December 2024 but now, Aamir has shared that the film will release in mid-2025. He also talked about his other upcoming production venture and shared that he has plans to act in his next film. The next film is Sitare Zameen Par.
Speaking to Deadline at the Red Sea Film Festival in Jeddah, Aamir talked about Sitare Zameen Par and said, “We are entering post-production later this month. We are preparing to release the film in the middle of next year.” Aamir called the film a sequel to the 2007 film Taare Zameen Par, but he clarified that the film will not feature the same character. “It’s a new set of characters, a completely fresh setting and plot. Thematically it’s a sequel to Taare Zameen Par,” he said.
Aamir also talked about other production ventures under his banner. He talked about making 1947 Lahore with director Rajkumar Santoshi and actor Sunny Deol. He also informed that he was building Son Junaid Khan’s upcoming film In which Sai Pallavi is also present. The name of the film is Ek Din. Aamir said that the film he is acting in is his third production but did not reveal anything about it. Talking about his fourth production, Aamir said that it is an Austin Powers-like film, directed by Veer Das. Veer will also act in the film.
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In a recent appearance on KBC 16, Aamir talked about his son Junaid and his film choices. Junaid made his debut this year with Netflix’s Maharaj. As Junaid failed several screen tests, Aamir said he wanted to travel the country to learn more about its culture. He also said that Junaid did not want to take Maharaj. “Initially I had advised Junaid not to do the film as he had gone through several screen tests and faced rejection every time. But, he was chosen for Maharaj, and I felt he should not take it,” he said.
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